The Hendel Family

Happy Monday Everyone
A little wind, a bit of rain and a drop in the temperatures on Saturday were not what we asked for after last weekend’s cancellation due to the weather disaster combination of Hurricane Joaquin (which fortunately went out to sea) and the mid-Atlantic Nor’easter. So we rescheduled for October 10th thinking all would be good. The late week weather report called for rain Friday night into Saturday morning with an approaching cold front. That was not what we wanted to hear.
Despite the weather though, Shannon and Mark Hendel and their 3 beautiful girls came out for a family session on the beach. We had rain, which arrived just as the Hendel’s did and when the rain stopped we had wind. We decided to stay on the public walkway in case the rain started again and we had to make a quick run for our cars. I worked quickly because I could already see goosebumps and I really didn’t know how long the weather was going to hold out for us.
The colors Shannon picked for them to wear in the photos were white and khaki with pops of teal. 2 year old Saige had an adorable teal dress and white sweater with little satin bows on it. It was the perfect combination of colors to contrast against the gray sky and the damp dunes that were more vibrant with color from the rain. We did try to walk down to the water, but the wind was just too much and the drizzle that was beginning was not going to work for any of us.
Thank you all, for being such good sports Saturday to sit on damp benches, damp sand and to shiver in the cold wind. It was definitely less than desirable weather conditions but we did it!
I hope there were big cups of hot chocolate with whip cream to warm up with after we finished the shoot.